Infinite Orbit is a personal motion design project that was created to celebrate Explosions In The Sky 20-year career. This project consists in a visual interpretation of a song called Infinite Orbit, from the album The Wilderness.

I envisioned a video clip full of colors, forms, and dynamism. When I started this project I realized that the original song (with a duration of 2:38 minutes) had a wide range of variations and intensities of rhythm, including some overly slow parts. Regarding this, I had to re-edit the track to come up with the right range of intensities that would make my video as I imagined.
Song waveform before edit

Song waveform after edit

The shapes that appear in the video were a mix of 2D and 3D. All the 3D modelling and rendering was made inside Cinema 4D.
3D Modelling

Cinema 4D also has and effector called Sound, which mixed with a Displacer allows to deform any shape to any sound.
I've added the Infinite Orbit edited track to the software to achieve this results.
Sound Deforming

To create an aestethic that could be more interesting, I felt that adding some imperfections would be really important. That is why I added some grain to the video, chromatic aberration and some distortions such as Pixel Sorting (using AE Pixel Sorter 2 plugin).
Without grain, color correction and chromatic aberration

With grain, color correction and chromatic aberration

Without pixel sorting

With pixel sorting

I've also used an After Effects feature called Convert Audio to Keyframes in order to make some properties such as scale and opacity react to the music that is playing.

Year: 2020
Music: Explosions In The Sky
Concept, Design & Animation: Filipe Cordeiro
Music: Explosions In The Sky
Concept, Design & Animation: Filipe Cordeiro